Babsy Cleaning

Simple rotas for keeping on top of cleaning housework

It's no secret that housework is a never-ending chore. But there are ways to stay on top of the mess. This will not only ensure that your home is always clean but tidy. One way to do this is to create a housework schedule or rota. This can be a simple list of tasks that need to be done each day. Or a more detailed plan showing who will do what and when. Creating a schedule will help to ensure that everyone in the household knows what they need to do and when.

Homework and housework rota also helps to avoid arguments about who should be doing what. To get started, sit down with all members of the household and agree on a list of chores they can take on. This could include tasks such as:

  • Stock up on food and household items
  • dusting
  • cleaning bathrooms
  • load of laundry
  • mopping
  • cooking
  • and vacuuming.

Simple Rota You need to keep up with housework, published on Decomber 25, 2023. Last updated on 12 January 2025.

How to keep on top of housework with simple rota guidelines to help you

When you have a list of chores, you can begin building your schedule. It is better to start with simple chores, such as tidying toys and making beds for your young children. And more challenging tasks for your older children and adult children. Consider assigning tasks every day of the week if you have a large household. For instance, you could ask someone to vacuum on Mondays, dust on Tuesdays, and so forth.

Living alone or with children? Here's how to organize your housework

The best way to keep yourself organized if you live alone is to break your chores down into smaller tasks that you can do on a regular basis. As an example, you may pick one room to dust on Monday, another room to vacuum on Tuesday, etc. Once you have a schedule in place, stick to it. While it might take a little work at first, it will soon become second nature. A housework schedule will lead to a cleaner house and everyone will get used to the tasks and the rotas. The infographic below is from Babsy Cleaning for anyone looking for housekeeping and cleaning services.

If you have trouble keeping up with housework, here are some tips. The first thing is to be more organized and make sure everyone in the house knows what are their task and when to them. You can also try to clean more efficiently. If you have children, assign them some chores while you do laundry. You can also use the time you are spending doing laundry to vacuum a room. Cleaning up your house is as simple as following these tips. You may even consider asking your partner for help.

An easy daily cleaning schedule that won't be time consuming will be a 15 minute schedule on a busy day

Do you dread doing household chores that won't take your time? Do you have a busy day ahead and don't know when to schedule them? Never fear, we have an easy daily cleaning schedule that won't be time consuming.

On a busy day, you can easily fit in a 15 minute cleaning schedule. First, take a quick look around the house and see what you need to do. If there are any dishes in the sink, start by doing those. You can even start emptying dishwasher and putting a load in a washing machine. If the counters are dirty, wipe them down with a rag or some disinfectant wipes.

Floors need vacuuming? Set a timer for 15 minutes and start vacuuming. If there are any pet hairs or other "larger" messes, try to address those first. Once the timer goes off, you can stop vacuuming and move on to the next task.

Should you need the bathroom to be cleaned, start by running the washing machine. Once you finish with that, wipe down the counters, toilet, and tub. If there are any dirty dishes in the bathroom, address those next. Finally, sweep and mop the floor.

Your bedroom needs cleaning? Start by making the bed. Then, take a look around and see what else you should do. Maybe you don't like the look of the floor and want to vacuum it? Or do you want to first wash off dusts off the windows with a washing liquid? Address whatever needs doing and then move on to the next task.

Cleaning rota

This is a simple example of a homework guideline you can follow

  1. Monday is for laundry while Tuesday is for cleaning the windows.
  2. On Wednesday, you mop the floor and on Thursday, you vacuum the carpets.
  3. Friday is for dusting everything in the house while Saturday is for grocery shopping.
  4. Sundays are for wheeling the rubbish bins outside for the waste collectors and cleaning the garden.

Keeping your home clean and organized will be easier with this simple housework schedule, but you will need to get used to it. By following this simple daily cleaning schedule, you can easily fit cleaning into your busy day. And, best of all, you'll have a clean and organized house without having to spend hours on it. Sometimes, a quick clean is what you need, not a deep cleaning that will cost you cleaning costs that you never planned for.

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